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Encouraging Words For Ministry

Some Powerful Encouraging Words For Ministry

Encouraging words for ministry comes in handy. Whether you are a young or mature minister. It’s okay at some point to say you need some encouragement. Encouraging words for ministry are for everyone in ministry who needs encouragement.

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Encouraging Words For Ministry
Encouraging Words For Ministry

You did not call yourself into the ministry God did. It won’t hurt to be real with him. In this article on encouraging words for ministry, your eyes will be opened to the fact that God cares about you and your ministry. Encouraging words for ministry also include your struggles and how to overcome them.

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Your Relationship With Jesus Christ

You are an ambassador of Christ and always make sure that all you do is aimed at directing others to Christ. Be close to Jesus; if you don’t know someone you can’t tell others about him. Unless you first know Jesus yourself you can’t point others to him. Love the Lord your God wholeheartedly(Mark 12:30, 2Cor 5:20) your commission was given to you by Jesus Christ.

In the book of (Matthew 28:19-20) don’t let your ministry be about you, let it be focused on Christ. If God has placed you in a ministry it is an honor to be used by God and it is an accomplishment itself. With time and circumstances, your stewardship of the mysteries of Christ will be proven. (Rom 10:15, Col 1:25-26, and Psalm 26:2).

Joyfully, with respect and the right Godly fear, serve God and encourage others to do so. If you know Christ you will have the right foundation for a good relationship with others (John 13:35, Rom 14:15-19)

Study your Bible and Pray

The place of studying your scriptures and doing so with discernment and humility can not be traded for anything in ministry. Constant study of Scripture along with praying allows the word of God to work through you during ministry (1 Cor 8:2, 2 Tim 2:15)

Use Webster Dictionary

It’s okay to admit that you don’t know the meaning of some words. It’s one of the good traits of a minister of God. If you are not sure of some words the Webster Dictionary will be of tremendous help.

God is in Control

God is sovereign, he is in control of everything. In ministry most times because of the challenges we face we are forced to ask this question, “God where are you?” He is there right with you. In our pain, troubles, and anguish. His love for us will transform, perfect and complete us. (James 1:2-4)

Every Believer is going through a process

A process is at work in every believer’s life. Gradually we see them being transformed into his likeness. I know you admire men of God whom God has been working wonders through them and wish to become like it’s only a matter of time. Give God the chance to work through you and produce his glory. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Do Not Feel Forsaken

Like the scripture says God is more than able to do what he has promised. Don’t feel forsaken God will supply all you need just like manna was supplied for the Israelites every morning in the desert. Always seek God daily and trust in him to provide for you all you need. (Psalm 9:10)

God has Promised You Salvation

God has called us to go into the world and spread the gospel. As we preach the Holy Spirit convicts people of their sins and they repent. As we go on spreading the word, dangers will certainly come but we will never be alone. Our God who is our salvation is with us. (Joshua 1:9)

You are Influential-Use it properly

As a pastor, your words command power but do not use them anyhow. If you are humble the hand of God will be more demonstrated over your ministry. Let your influence be used to grow the kingdom of God and not for your gain.

Be someone who thinks before talking

Sounds simple right? Well, it’s not, for some pastors. When words are wrongly spoken they can never be taken back. So, it is preferable to discipline yourself to think before answering. People ask many questions and because of the vast knowledge acquired we would think answers would come easily, but hey, the best answer comes after meditating, listening to the voice of God, and taking wise counsel from others.

Let Your Pastors Know That You Learned Something

Pastors are happy to know that what we hear from church makes meaning to us. Telling him you were blessed by his ministry is the least you can do to encourage his heart.

Learn to Say Thank You.

Always appreciate your ministers after every kind gesture, sermon, and a prayer said for you or to others. Most times people think that those serving God don’t need kind gestures. I put it to you that pastors spend time encouraging and caring for others. In light of this, we guess pastors are beyond human pains. They are not, everything that happens to us happens to them too. So say thank you to let them know you care.

Allow God to Lead you

The things God has spoken to and asked you to do that seem ridiculous to others should not be neglected by you. God’s ways are not the ways of man. His wisdom supersedes that of man. When you begin to lose hope in any circumstance check if you are still in faith, if not do the needful.

Allow God to lead you; he can turn the impossible into the possible. When this is achieved you will see the ministry become more effective according to God’s will. To achieve this you will give your time, discipline, and humility.


Always put God first. Never outgrow God, don’t become your own boss you did not call yourself. Stay in the word of God and be connected to him at all times. Never let temptations throw you off. Do all you can to share this post with family and friends via any of the share media platforms.

Joshua Lincoln

Hello guys, I'm Joshua Lincoln. I happen to be the founder and Editor in Chief of You can get in touch with me via my social Media Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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