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103+ Interesting Best Facebook Status About Me Alone

Best facebook status about me wil really show the world who yu truely are. When i was growing up, i was made to know that ” Good name is better than silver and gold”. Your goal should make sure your personality is not spoilt, and it should not speak nagative of who you are.

Your facebook personal profile status should tell the world who you are. When someone enters your facebook bio status, they should know the totality of who you are. When you go to my wall, you will come to a full understanding of who i am without been told.

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Best facebook status about me
Best facebook status about me

Over the years, a  man was accused of cheating on his wife. They went as far as arresting the young man probably for a crime he never comitted. Many things lead to his arest. His wife suspected the kinds of call he make even late at night. When the call comes in, he will speak at leangth before droping the call.

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To be honest with you all, his wife was never comfortable with the situation. Now upon his arrest, the athority began to interogate him, they searched his phone and his laptop, and nothing was found. They went on to check out check his social media platform Facebook. There they found out that the arrested man was a marriage therapy.

His facebook profile spoke a word to them. They saw all his facebook pages, and groups and the facebook post he has been dropping. That alone vindicated him. That was a really nice one and a fare trial because going through his facebook wall. He was free and allowed to go home.

55+ Interesting Best Facebook Status About Me

1. To be frank with you, I’m just human as you, I can’t deny that I have weakness, I sometimes observe real sadness, and I also make mistakes.

2. Let me tell you, just as they say, “no one is above mistakes” — but these things which I know about have made me a better and refined person today.

3. I cam eot understand that my coming to this world is to be, and appear, true, not to be perfect. As popular saying goes, “nobody is perfect”, You should know better.

4. Dear have you noticed how I go about my life, the choices I make, the mistakes which I know I learn from, and the lessons; you can notice them all, but I put it to you that they are none of your business.

5. Most of the times, i seam to be more joyous, and in a happy state with the simple things of life; I don’t only seem to be happy, joyous, I just discover that I’m always happy with the simplest things.

6. Your looks are different because people wear makeup just to put up a different look, and showcase the beauty, but above that, I love the real confidence that makeup gives me. A thousand words can’t explain that confidence.

7. Can i let you know that the key to happiness and less worries is when you’re in love with yourself, and your heart, more than you love that of others. I love myself.

8. Whenever I walk on the street, I see people laugh at me, I have come to realize that, they laugh at me because of one thing: I am different; but, I laugh back at them, because they are all the same. I don’t get moved by people’s ill reactions towards me.

9. Everyone’s concern should be about doing his best in any endeavors he finds himself; so that, you won’t blame yourself for anything which happens. I am doing my best.

10. I can’t fight to be anybody else, I’m in deep love with who I am; and also proud to say and describe who I am, because I am not living to impress anybody. There’s much comfort in dwelling in the person I am.

11. There’s one person who is the very first: that’s God; the next person is me. So, in everything I do, I don’t fail to place God first.

12. I have heard people say I act like a weirdo, I won’t dispute that, I agree to be weird, because being weird is quite good, but being normal is highly saturated with mediocrity.

13. One of the biggest things I’ve learnt in my life is to fight, fight for whatever I need. I fight in order not to beg anyone for anything.

14. I can’t imagine what my face would have looked like, if I had given in to frowning all the time. I’ve learnt to smile, and it has been fun. I’m also aware that I confuse a lot of persons when I smile, so I won’t stop smiling.

15. I chose to be who I am today, not because of someone’s approval or people’s decisions, but because that’s who I am already. It’s not a necessity, neither is it mandatory that you have to like or succumb to it. I am me!

16. I owe no one no explanations, but if you should know, the movement of my life is not different from a speeding bullet, it’s on the go, it hasn’t just hit its target.

17. My leading aspirations in life is not to appear like others, it’s not to be skilled like others, it’s not to be intelligent like others; it is to be unique in my own special way.

18. Instead of me to live like you, I rather die. In other words, if I have just one option, and it appears to be living your life, exactly how you live yours, I will rather kill myself.

19. They say, you get motivated when you attend seminars in which stories that motivates are discussed, but I think on this note, I’m different, because I get motivated when I notice my haters around. There’s nothing that motivates me more than noticing that.

20. If you want to be my friend, you have to accept me for who I am, I won’t accept you when you don’t accept me for who I am.

21. Many, today, struggle to impress the world: they buy the best clothes, shoes, necklaces, phones, technologies and whatnot, just to make sure they meet up to people’s standard; but at my end, I don’t live to impress anyone, rather do I exist to live anyone’s life, I exist to live my own life, exactly the way I design it through which will I be happy.

22. The people with little or no support will want to take the glory for where I am today. They keep saying, there’s little effort contributed very much, but I’m here to tell you that I got to where I am today, because I never stopped being myself, I never copied anybody’s lifestyle.

23. Whenever I proffer advice to people in order to solve their problem(s), I digest the problem(s) from within me, and learn from it. This way, I try to keep away from same mistake.

24. My friend, come closer, I have something to tell you: search round the world, and you’ll never see anyone like me, I’m one of a kind —

25. Know it that in the midst of billions of people in this world, I am one of a kind. And, that’s not all, I’m distinctly unique. Never allow these fact omit itself from your memory.

26. Others sit and count set of awesome persons they know, they count celebrities, footballers, athletes, and whatnot. They also argue profusely about who they know can be used to define awesomeness.

27. All my life, i have been here sipping my cup of coffee with the mentality that I’m the only awesome person alive.

28. I have been planing all my life in other to make people look unto me as a real human being.

29. I will leave each day as if its my last. People really need to see God through me.

30. I will do all i can to make sure i be a notable in the sociaty because peole are looking up to me.

31. From the depth of my heart, i love God and all his works here on earth.

32. Good name is far better than silver and Gold, so therefore i am doing all i can to make sure i come clean.

33. I am so transperent in all i do no matter the cost of it all.

34. My life must and will be a testimoney. My life will be for God alone.

35. I want to use everything in me to thank and appreciate this God no matter the cost of it all.

36. Right from the first time i came in touch with you all, i have lived a Godly life.

37. My Good life have really impacted the lives of so many of them in and out.

38. I want to live a life here on earth so that people will know that i was here.

39. The only duty of a man on eath is to fear God and keep his commandment, thats why am living like this.

40. I need no other agurment. apart from that of God in his infinite mercy.

41. Repent and follow God because he is all that matters.

42. there is no one like our God. Do all you can to love and fear him in all you do.

43. Life is a sweet one, but learn to love God and fear him alone. That is who i am.

44. He is all God by him self, why not fear him for who he is.

45. My life will be for God alone no matter the cost of the whole matter

46. No matter where life takes me too, i will make sure i fear God alone.

47. He is God and that is it. Your life should be a massage.

48. This God is too wonderful. Why not give him a trial.

49. Take everybody with love and care. No matter what happens. Let love lead.

50. I want to let you know that there is life after now. Eternity is real.

51. Life is not a bed of roses, live it will amd make it abed of roses

52. You are too faithful to fail me lord. I lvoe to be with you and you alone.

53. You are the excellent God. Make my life a nice one.

54. Excellent king i fear you and you alone. thank you for all you have done. I love you.

55. You changest not. You have done miracle for a while now. You are still God.

56. I love my life so much that am afriad to change.

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Joshua Lincoln

Hello guys, I'm Joshua Lincoln. I happen to be the founder and Editor in Chief of You can get in touch with me via my social Media Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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